30 Inglis Green Rd, Edinburgh EH14 2ER
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Make: AllAlfa RomeoAudiBMWFiatHyundaiJaguarKiaLexusMercedes BensMiniMitsubishiSkodaToyotaVolvoVW
Registration date: Any20012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020Any20012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020
Price: Any£ 4,000£ 5,000£ 6,000£ 7,000£ 8,000£ 9,000£ 10,000£ 11,000£ 12,000£ 13,000£ 14,000£ 15,000£ 16,000£ 17,000£ 18,000£ 19,000£ 20,000£ 22,000£ 24,000£ 26,000£ 28,000£ 30,000£ 35,000£ 40,000£ 45,000£ 50,000£ 55,000£ 60,000£ 65,000£ 70,000£ 75,000£ 80,000£ 85,000£ 90,000£ 95,000Any£ 4,000£ 5,000£ 6,000£ 7,000£ 8,000£ 9,000£ 10,000£ 11,000£ 12,000£ 13,000£ 14,000£ 15,000£ 16,000£ 17,000£ 18,000£ 19,000£ 20,000£ 22,000£ 24,000£ 26,000£ 28,000£ 30,000£ 35,000£ 40,000£ 45,000£ 50,000£ 55,000£ 60,000£ 65,000£ 70,000£ 75,000£ 80,000£ 85,000£ 90,000£ 95,000
Milage: Any15,000 mi30,000 mi45,000 mi60,000 mi75,000 mi100,000 mi150,000 miAny15,000 mi30,000 mi45,000 mi60,000 mi75,000 mi100,000 mi150,000 mi
Exterior Color: Silver (1) Black (11) White (7) Red (8) Blue (5) grey (1)
Transmission: Automatic (28) Manual (5)
Engine: L
Fuel Type: petrol (30) diesel (2) hybrid (1)
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